[Galette-cvs] made i18n more effective for the user : language flags on the homepage, changing language reloads the page. Added support for two new fields : gpgid and fingerprint (August 08, 2004 - 23:06)


Title: made i18n more effective for the user : language flags on the homepage, changing language reloads the page. Added support for two new fields : gpgid and fingerprint
Commit from georgesk 2004-08-08 23:06 CEST
made i18n more effective for the user : language flags on the homepage, changing language reloads the page. Added support for two new fields : gpgid and fingerprint
Module File name Revision
galette ajouter_adherent.php 1.25 >>> 1.26
galette index.php 1.11 >>> 1.12
galette self_adherent.php 1.10 >>> 1.11
galette self_contribution.php 1.5 >>> 1.6
galette voir_adherent.php 1.14 >>> 1.15
galette includes/i18n.inc.php 1.3 >>> 1.4
galette install/sql/mysql.sql 1.7 >>> 1.8
galette install/sql/pgsql.sql 1.7 >>> 1.8
galette lang/en_US.po 1.3 >>> 1.4
galette lang/es_ES@xxxxxxx 1.3 >>> 1.4
galette lang/fr_FR@xxxxxxx 1.3 >>> 1.4
galette lang/messages.po 1.3 >>> 1.4
galette lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/galette.mo 1.3 >>> 1.4
galette lang/es_ES@euro/LC_MESSAGES/galette.mo 1.3 >>> 1.4
galette lang/fr_FR@euro/LC_MESSAGES/galette.mo 1.3 >>> 1.4

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Generated by mhonarc 2.6.10, Mon Aug 09 10:20:05 2004