[Galette-cvs] If the specified locale isn't available, translation method falls back to the old methode (Global string array) [...] (September 20, 2004 - 19:49)


Title: If the specified locale isn't available, translation method falls back to the old methode (Global string array) [...]
Commit from deelight 2004-09-20 19:48 CEST
If the specified locale isn't available, translation method falls back to the old methode (Global string array)
Removed the VAR_ROOT constant, WEB_ROOT is the same
Upgraded version constant to 0.63
Module File name Revision
galette ajouter_adherent.php 1.26 >>> 1.27
galette ajouter_contribution.php 1.10 >>> 1.11
galette configurer_fiches.php 1.3 >>> 1.4
galette etiquettes_adherents.php 1.4 >>> 1.5
galette footer.php 1.5 >>> 1.6
galette gestion_adherents.php 1.10 >>> 1.11
galette gestion_contributions.php 1.18 >>> 1.19
galette index.php 1.13 >>> 1.14
galette log.php 1.5 >>> 1.6
galette lostpasswd.php 1.9 >>> 1.10
galette mailing_adherents.php 1.10 >>> 1.11
galette preferences.php 1.16 >>> 1.17
galette self_adherent.php 1.11 >>> 1.12
galette self_contribution.php 1.6 >>> 1.7
galette voir_adherent.php 1.15 >>> 1.16
galette includes/database.inc.php 1.7 >>> 1.8
galette includes/i18n.inc.php 1.5 >>> 1.6
galette includes/lang.inc.php 1.2 >>> 1.3
galette install/index.php 1.16 >>> 1.17

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Generated by mhonarc 2.6.10, Mon Sep 20 20:20:07 2004