[Galette-cvs] If beginning of membership period is set, membership fees are entered [...] (November 12, 2004 - 01:38)


Title: If beginning of membership period is set, membership fees are entered [...]
Commit from lpelecq 2004-11-12 01:37 CET
If beginning of membership period is set, membership fees are entered
by end date instead of duration. Fees and donations are separated since
the former requires an end date and the latter not.
Module File name Revision
galette ajouter_contribution.php 1.14 >>> 1.15
galette footer.php 1.8 >>> 1.9
galette gestion_adherents.php 1.17 >>> 1.18
galette gestion_contributions.php 1.26 >>> 1.27
galette includes/functions.inc.php 1.18 >>> 1.19
galette install/sql/mysql.sql 1.10 >>> 1.11
galette install/sql/pgsql.sql 1.11 >>> 1.12
galette install/sql/upgrade-to-0.63-mysql.sql 1.8 >>> 1.9
galette install/sql/upgrade-to-0.63-pgsql.sql 1.7 >>> 1.8
galette templates/default/ajouter_contribution.tpl 1.2 >>> 1.3
galette templates/default/gestion_contributions.tpl 1.4 >>> 1.5
galette templates/default/page.tpl 1.1 >>> 1.2
galette templates/default/voir_adherent.tpl 1.2 >>> 1.3

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Generated by mhonarc 2.6.10, Fri Nov 12 10:00:09 2004