[Galette-cvs] New picture class (should alse handle image uploads and resizing in the future) (February 01, 2006 - 00:12)

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Title: New picture class (should alse handle image uploads and resizing in the future)
Commit from deelight 2006-02-01 00:12 CET
New picture class (should alse handle image uploads and resizing in the future)
Module File name Revision
galette ajouter_adherent.php 1.53 >>> 1.54
galette picture.php 1.3 >>> 1.4
galette preferences.php 1.28 >>> 1.29
galette voir_adherent.php 1.25 >>> 1.26
+ galette includes/picture.class.php 1.1
galette templates/default/ajouter_adherent.tpl 1.10 >>> 1.11
galette templates/default/preferences.tpl 1.8 >>> 1.9
galette templates/default/voir_adherent.tpl 1.11 >>> 1.12

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