MatrixEigenSym Entity Reference

Eigen decomposition of symmetric matrices. More...

List of all members.


 operator ^(scalar) in scripting languages by SWIG
 returns m_eigenvectorsAvailable
 returns m_isGeneralEigenproblem


 returns the lu object this class refers to
 returns the matrix object this class refers to

Detailed Description

Eigen decomposition of symmetric matrices.

This class provides an Eigen decomposition of symmetric matrices. At construction, it factorizes the given matrix and stores eigenvalues and (if asked for) eigenvectors. The constructor accepts either the standard eigenvalues problem (of a single symmetric matrix) or the generalized eigenvalue problem (of 2 symmetric matrices).

The class is equipped with methods and arithmetic operators which provide the

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Generated on Wed Nov 17 17:36:03 2010 for 'tmath' Module Scripting Interface by  doxygen 1.5.6